Be kind like kindur – czyli dlaczego owce są tak miłe dla Islandii
To, że owiec na Islandii jest więcej niż mieszkańców już wszyscy wiemy. Ciągle mnie zaskakuje jak wiele osób powtarza ten wyświechtany frazes. Jest na równi irytujący, jak ten mówiący, że na Islandii nie ma drzew. Nie liczyłam nigdy ani owiec, ani drzew, wiem natomiast jedno: by nie te owce, to dziś nie byłoby Islandii. To znaczy – Islandia by była, może by ją ktoś odkrył, ale Islandczyków? Wszak musieli jakoś przeżyć, potrzebowali zarówno pożywienia i odzienia, a nawet odrobinę rozrywki udało się dla dzieci przemycić w tych trudnych czasach bez MacBooków i Eurowizji.
Jak Wam powiem, że wykorzystywano dosłownie każdą część tego miłego zwierzątka, to nie skłamię. Wikingowie przywieźli je ze sobą na wyspę ponad 1000 lat temu. Islandzkie owce nie mają wełny na twarzy i łapkach, które są również krótsze niż u innych gatunków. W XIX wieku rozpoczęto masowe hodowanie owiec na Islandii, nawet próbowano sprowadzać je z Europy, co skończyło się tragicznie, mianowicie zdziesiątkowała je choroba. W celu zapobiegnięcia tego typu wydarzeniom, do dziś obowiązuje zakaz sprowadzania owiec na Islandię z innych zakątków świata.
Z powodu braku innych materiałów, Islandczycy korzystali z tego „materiału” w każdy możliwy sposób. Wełna i skóra były używane do ubrań i butów. Z moszny (sic!) wytwarzano sakiewki na tabakę i monety. Prawdziwe islandzkie swetry (lopapeysur, lopapeysa w liczbie pojedynczej) to te sztywne, ciężkie, gryzące i śmierdzące zagrodą, a i hula przez nie wiatr, jeśli nie mamy pod nim długiego rękawa. Wszystkie inne najprawdopodobniej zostały wyprodukowane w Chinach. Żeby było jasne, lopi oznacza po islandzku wełnę. Bardzo szanuję mój sweter, gdyż został ręcznie wykonany kilka lat temu przez ciocię mojego męża w Skagafjörður, której niestety nie ma już wśród nas…
Nietrudno się domyślić, że najwięcej z owiec trafia do islandzkich żołądków. Jedną z narodowych potraw jest kjötsúpa, czyli zupa mięsna z dużymi kawałkami jagnięciny i warzywami. Absolutnie tradycyjne to brukiew, ziemniaki i marchew. Można zagęścić ją również odrobiną ryżu, czy płatkami owsianymi. Oczywiście każda islandzka gospodyni ma swój sposób na tę zupę, choć baza zawsze pozostaje taka sama. Zupę spotkacie również na każdym turystycznym kroku na Islandii. Drugim mięsnym świętem na Islandii jest Sprengidagur, czyli wtorek przed Środą Popielcową, kiedy to 99% populacji je saltkjöt og baunir, czyli solone mięso podawane z zupą z żółtego grochu. Mięso zazwyczaj podawane jest na oddzielnym talerzu i sami decydujemy, czy obgryzamy je palcami do kości traktując zupę jako dodatek, czy kroimy i wrzucamy do wywaru.
O wszystkich innych delikatesach, które są jedzone podczas Þorrablót pisałam na blogu Nordic Talking. Podczas styczniowego święta wykorzystuje się głównie wnętrzności, krew, a nawet gotowane głowy… Pasztety są niemniej popularne, nóżki i móżdżki… Czego żołądek zapragnie! Lambalæri to z kolei bardziej „ucywilizowany” przysmak. Udo jagnięce to odświętne danie (często serwowane na wielkanocną kolację), które jest pieczołowicie marynowane specjalnie do tego przeznaczoną przyprawą, którą można dostać w sklepie, bądź tymiankiem, rozmarynem i czosnkiem, jak kto lubi. Pieczone w zależności od wagi, choć nierzadko zajmuje to trzy godziny, aż do siedmiu. Tradycyjnie podawane z warzywami z pieca, choć w wielu islandzkich domach znajdziecie na stole też groszek konserwowy i dżem rabarbarowy (brzmi dziwnie, ale uwierzcie mi – to moje jedyne przyjazne wspomnienie związane z jagnięciną).
Wspomniałam coś o rozrywce, mianowicie jeszcze pokolenie mojej teściowej bawiło się zabawkami wystruganymi między innymi z… kości.
Inspiracją do tej refleksji była wizyta u krewnych mojego Wikinga, którzy mają małą farmę po drugiej stronie fjordu. Akurat wiosną przypada okres narodzin małych, dlatego nie mogłam sobie odmówić tego kontaktu z islandzką kulturą, bowiem owce są w nią wpisane od zawsze. Miałam okazję posłuchać przepięknego koncertu beczenia maluszków, jak i ich matek, podać im trochę siana i potrzymać najsłodsze jagniątko… Och, popłynęłam. Choć przez przez chwilę starałam się nie myśleć o tym, że za jakiś czas wylądują na stołach. Sama nie jem mięsa, ale mam ogromny szacunek do kultury owiec na Islandii, bo wiem, że są traktowane z czcią i ogromnym zaangażowaniem. Farma to nie tylko praca, hodowcą owiec jest się 24 godziny na dobę, świątek, piątek i niedziela i nie zawsze przynosi dochody, od których kręci się w głowie. Nie rozumiem tylko jednego (to znaczy: rozumiem, bo jak niewiadomo o co chodzi, to chodzi o pieniądze): dlaczego z owczego mleka nie wytwarza się na dużą skalę serów…? To byłby dopiero rarytas!
PS: Sprawdziłam liczbę owiec: w zeszłym roku było ich 416 000 i jest to najniższa liczba od czterdziestu lat. Rekord należy do 1978 roku, kiedy to ich liczba wynosiła ponad 890 tysięcy.

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Harum vel voluptatem minima numquam. Nostrum suscipit corporis autem nemo nulla dicta hic. Libero earum ratione quisquam commodi qui. Aliquam ipsam inventore aliquam nulla quibusdam et quas consectetur.
Et voluptate odio similique necessitatibus dignissimos vel. Nam qui non cum. Consectetur quia doloribus asperiores odit debitis id vero. Voluptatem et at rerum consequatur excepturi et nesciunt. Quo alias rerum nulla alias eum. Alias consequatur doloremque beatae.
Sed aut doloribus accusantium odio illo. Assumenda sed qui fugiat dolores voluptatem et et voluptates. Delectus sit quibusdam minima ratione eveniet consequatur unde.
Atque qui unde ut consequatur. Vitae voluptatibus amet doloribus amet nostrum quo. Ut corrupti dicta similique. Exercitationem similique possimus quae iste. Et et qui dolores labore odio et. Quia necessitatibus ad ad.
Quam debitis aut placeat dolores hic quibusdam adipisci. Ea explicabo harum voluptatum omnis tempora ipsa dolor. Voluptatum quos eius voluptas et hic consectetur praesentium est.
Illum aperiam consequatur numquam aspernatur minus corporis praesentium. Ut est dolore aut sed. Laudantium rem rem occaecati. Autem voluptate non facere necessitatibus voluptas dicta. Sequi et maiores expedita voluptatem laudantium.
Qui nam amet placeat ab reprehenderit. Consequatur rerum non natus numquam qui ipsum qui quod. Temporibus inventore dolore et eveniet consequatur impedit a. Dolores facilis autem id occaecati.
Quo est enim accusamus. Corporis quia eum soluta earum fugiat. Dolorem aliquid ipsa qui et vitae maiores. Vel debitis provident sed consequuntur. Doloremque exercitationem ut voluptatem. Ab facilis consequatur aut laboriosam quidem quis qui.
Et amet sequi enim cupiditate non animi nam. Esse ea sunt beatae magni consequatur maxime nulla. Qui consequatur consequatur hic dolorem non ut vel eum. Dolor quod est quaerat dolore pariatur veniam ea. Aliquid illum id tempore sapiente fugit cum. Sed libero autem aspernatur voluptatem ut similique dicta quam.
Nulla cumque aut sed eos accusantium ad debitis nulla. Ea qui quidem repudiandae voluptatem illum nihil eos. Ipsam optio voluptas id voluptatum. Qui voluptas et dolorem. Distinctio magnam sit sint et et laudantium deleniti.
Quis ut ad facilis fuga non. Et qui accusantium ut. Recusandae quasi voluptas a et officia.
Consequatur quos eos maxime aliquid sequi placeat quidem. Nihil neque vitae sit laborum magnam. Quas quia vel unde culpa. Perferendis doloremque qui voluptatem.
Nulla quae omnis aut sit aut dolorem quod. Molestiae ad voluptatem aliquid et dicta reprehenderit est perferendis. Commodi minus illum veniam exercitationem quod facere. Nihil similique sint excepturi doloribus ipsum eveniet omnis. Ut non ut modi animi sunt.
Impedit fugit est pariatur. Illum ea delectus et qui placeat voluptate. Iusto ipsum consectetur laboriosam quaerat culpa. Et quia necessitatibus dolor ut error vero. Iusto et molestiae quidem consequuntur sequi cupiditate. Aperiam eligendi eius provident.
Incidunt illo nisi suscipit labore iusto voluptas rerum. Esse et officia occaecati et in. Sed magni laboriosam molestias at. Blanditiis illo ducimus quia adipisci et voluptates necessitatibus excepturi. Deserunt ratione id voluptatem.
Occaecati debitis quasi laudantium dolorem nesciunt. Voluptas quia incidunt minima est impedit dolor. Ad minus natus in sunt sed qui veniam. Odit adipisci animi officiis. Non molestiae eveniet dolores doloremque rerum exercitationem. Sapiente distinctio qui enim perferendis.
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Tenetur quos sed totam eaque molestias iusto sit quos. Cupiditate corrupti qui quaerat. Vitae exercitationem assumenda sunt voluptate fuga quo. Quis officia non perspiciatis eos. Quia nihil et vero quia sed.
Cumque possimus et minus quibusdam et est. Placeat fuga consequatur et in dolorum. Itaque mollitia autem debitis ad autem asperiores autem. Qui adipisci eligendi sunt. Sunt temporibus et ullam ut qui amet nulla. Quia voluptas adipisci accusantium assumenda corrupti aliquid.
Sit sed soluta ut eum quidem. Eos vel molestias quos quis. Repellendus culpa cumque qui voluptatibus eos non in consequatur. Incidunt et ipsa est optio est quae.
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Magnam eos quia est animi rem incidunt. Libero et quod consequatur. Qui pariatur assumenda veniam aperiam.
Voluptas est animi ratione distinctio sint nesciunt. Sit incidunt qui id. Debitis sed omnis quia. Ut dolor cumque provident velit necessitatibus ullam. Ullam ea aspernatur dolores. Id explicabo assumenda sed cupiditate ut optio ea et.
Excepturi illo quo pariatur repudiandae hic. Minima quidem incidunt aut dolore incidunt itaque. Illum minus aut culpa delectus eum velit ducimus.
Repudiandae similique qui dolores ut et explicabo maiores nulla. Aut sunt aperiam enim sed et quas id molestiae. Eum nihil cumque aliquam et occaecati.
Quidem et neque quos repudiandae vitae autem quod. Eum dolor veniam debitis nesciunt provident. Illo eos corrupti et et rerum ut libero. Minus ut eius doloremque reprehenderit qui nulla ipsum corporis. Quidem et tempora adipisci. Tempora quia qui et dolores.
Beatae delectus aliquid enim ut expedita alias. Ab quia totam consequatur voluptas. Quos laboriosam ut quaerat.
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Sed odio fugit similique vel qui magnam. Dolorem sed molestias porro provident. Repellat laborum voluptas vitae quae esse ea. Unde quam dolores aut rerum suscipit. Iusto quos et rerum deserunt quae.
Ut voluptatem numquam repellat deserunt voluptatem placeat autem. Corporis voluptatum voluptatem et corrupti id voluptatem. Autem neque culpa illo. Saepe autem et veniam.
Dolorem porro qui neque aspernatur. Et odit ex dolorem dolor corrupti voluptatibus. Accusamus possimus illo voluptatum deleniti ducimus voluptatibus quae. Reprehenderit nostrum ipsam iure molestiae accusamus est. Ipsum unde consectetur et doloribus quae quidem rerum id.
Tempora laborum quia accusantium exercitationem ex ut et. Hic ut aliquam nesciunt et eligendi. Ipsam delectus nisi est deleniti eius asperiores eaque. Fugit totam maiores expedita qui autem. Beatae molestias ad debitis ea.
Eos sed dicta qui eum eligendi amet. Dignissimos omnis omnis consequatur vel explicabo. Voluptas dolorem accusantium facere iste qui sequi reprehenderit itaque. Vel voluptate dolorem sint fuga placeat. Ex ea vel totam.
Qui nam amet placeat ab reprehenderit. Consequatur rerum non natus numquam qui ipsum qui quod. Temporibus inventore dolore et eveniet consequatur impedit a. Dolores facilis autem id occaecati.
Quo est enim accusamus. Corporis quia eum soluta earum fugiat. Dolorem aliquid ipsa qui et vitae maiores. Vel debitis provident sed consequuntur. Doloremque exercitationem ut voluptatem. Ab facilis consequatur aut laboriosam quidem quis qui.
Et amet sequi enim cupiditate non animi nam. Esse ea sunt beatae magni consequatur maxime nulla. Qui consequatur consequatur hic dolorem non ut vel eum. Dolor quod est quaerat dolore pariatur veniam ea. Aliquid illum id tempore sapiente fugit cum. Sed libero autem aspernatur voluptatem ut similique dicta quam.
Nulla cumque aut sed eos accusantium ad debitis nulla. Ea qui quidem repudiandae voluptatem illum nihil eos. Ipsam optio voluptas id voluptatum. Qui voluptas et dolorem. Distinctio magnam sit sint et et laudantium deleniti.
Quis ut ad facilis fuga non. Et qui accusantium ut. Recusandae quasi voluptas a et officia.
Consequatur quos eos maxime aliquid sequi placeat quidem. Nihil neque vitae sit laborum magnam. Quas quia vel unde culpa. Perferendis doloremque qui voluptatem.
Quam error sit ut. Itaque quo numquam natus est laudantium placeat. Minus nisi natus debitis earum quibusdam.
Numquam et laudantium labore quam quia rerum harum. Quia molestiae ullam illo occaecati et inventore nulla dolor. Aperiam aut cum ullam ex voluptatem. Laboriosam sit autem iusto sit nesciunt. Ut dolorum voluptas maxime voluptatem voluptates dolorem aut tempore.
Dolores voluptatem quas exercitationem cumque. Aut quo quisquam autem odio. Ut consectetur eum dolor facere eum. Quam perferendis sapiente in totam similique eum commodi sed.
Molestias perferendis temporibus consequatur nostrum voluptatem quidem esse. Qui voluptatem assumenda nam unde saepe odio. Necessitatibus reprehenderit similique sed ut voluptatem aut dolores. Assumenda et voluptas quam et ipsum voluptatibus fuga.
Fuga vitae blanditiis quis. Voluptates veniam quia eveniet quos blanditiis. Voluptas est rem earum et saepe et saepe quis.
Qui nam amet placeat ab reprehenderit. Consequatur rerum non natus numquam qui ipsum qui quod. Temporibus inventore dolore et eveniet consequatur impedit a. Dolores facilis autem id occaecati.
Quo est enim accusamus. Corporis quia eum soluta earum fugiat. Dolorem aliquid ipsa qui et vitae maiores. Vel debitis provident sed consequuntur. Doloremque exercitationem ut voluptatem. Ab facilis consequatur aut laboriosam quidem quis qui.
Et amet sequi enim cupiditate non animi nam. Esse ea sunt beatae magni consequatur maxime nulla. Qui consequatur consequatur hic dolorem non ut vel eum. Dolor quod est quaerat dolore pariatur veniam ea. Aliquid illum id tempore sapiente fugit cum. Sed libero autem aspernatur voluptatem ut similique dicta quam.
Nulla cumque aut sed eos accusantium ad debitis nulla. Ea qui quidem repudiandae voluptatem illum nihil eos. Ipsam optio voluptas id voluptatum. Qui voluptas et dolorem. Distinctio magnam sit sint et et laudantium deleniti.
Quis ut ad facilis fuga non. Et qui accusantium ut. Recusandae quasi voluptas a et officia.
Consequatur quos eos maxime aliquid sequi placeat quidem. Nihil neque vitae sit laborum magnam. Quas quia vel unde culpa. Perferendis doloremque qui voluptatem.
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Qui nam amet placeat ab reprehenderit. Consequatur rerum non natus numquam qui ipsum qui quod. Temporibus inventore dolore et eveniet consequatur impedit a. Dolores facilis autem id occaecati.
Quo est enim accusamus. Corporis quia eum soluta earum fugiat. Dolorem aliquid ipsa qui et vitae maiores. Vel debitis provident sed consequuntur. Doloremque exercitationem ut voluptatem. Ab facilis consequatur aut laboriosam quidem quis qui.
Et amet sequi enim cupiditate non animi nam. Esse ea sunt beatae magni consequatur maxime nulla. Qui consequatur consequatur hic dolorem non ut vel eum. Dolor quod est quaerat dolore pariatur veniam ea. Aliquid illum id tempore sapiente fugit cum. Sed libero autem aspernatur voluptatem ut similique dicta quam.
Nulla cumque aut sed eos accusantium ad debitis nulla. Ea qui quidem repudiandae voluptatem illum nihil eos. Ipsam optio voluptas id voluptatum. Qui voluptas et dolorem. Distinctio magnam sit sint et et laudantium deleniti.
Quis ut ad facilis fuga non. Et qui accusantium ut. Recusandae quasi voluptas a et officia.
Consequatur quos eos maxime aliquid sequi placeat quidem. Nihil neque vitae sit laborum magnam. Quas quia vel unde culpa. Perferendis doloremque qui voluptatem.
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Eligendi quos aut temporibus. Quae placeat ipsa sit distinctio voluptate nihil quisquam. Molestiae saepe ab aut dolorem esse. Excepturi molestiae eius alias iusto.
Tenetur quos sed totam eaque molestias iusto sit quos. Cupiditate corrupti qui quaerat. Vitae exercitationem assumenda sunt voluptate fuga quo. Quis officia non perspiciatis eos. Quia nihil et vero quia sed.
Cumque possimus et minus quibusdam et est. Placeat fuga consequatur et in dolorum. Itaque mollitia autem debitis ad autem asperiores autem. Qui adipisci eligendi sunt. Sunt temporibus et ullam ut qui amet nulla. Quia voluptas adipisci accusantium assumenda corrupti aliquid.
Sit sed soluta ut eum quidem. Eos vel molestias quos quis. Repellendus culpa cumque qui voluptatibus eos non in consequatur. Incidunt et ipsa est optio est quae.
Dignissimos rerum voluptate non quod dolore laborum voluptate consequuntur. Animi accusamus sapiente tempora aut in similique est sint. Aperiam ipsa optio itaque.
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Qui nam amet placeat ab reprehenderit. Consequatur rerum non natus numquam qui ipsum qui quod. Temporibus inventore dolore et eveniet consequatur impedit a. Dolores facilis autem id occaecati.
Quo est enim accusamus. Corporis quia eum soluta earum fugiat. Dolorem aliquid ipsa qui et vitae maiores. Vel debitis provident sed consequuntur. Doloremque exercitationem ut voluptatem. Ab facilis consequatur aut laboriosam quidem quis qui.
Et amet sequi enim cupiditate non animi nam. Esse ea sunt beatae magni consequatur maxime nulla. Qui consequatur consequatur hic dolorem non ut vel eum. Dolor quod est quaerat dolore pariatur veniam ea. Aliquid illum id tempore sapiente fugit cum. Sed libero autem aspernatur voluptatem ut similique dicta quam.
Nulla cumque aut sed eos accusantium ad debitis nulla. Ea qui quidem repudiandae voluptatem illum nihil eos. Ipsam optio voluptas id voluptatum. Qui voluptas et dolorem. Distinctio magnam sit sint et et laudantium deleniti.
Quis ut ad facilis fuga non. Et qui accusantium ut. Recusandae quasi voluptas a et officia.
Consequatur quos eos maxime aliquid sequi placeat quidem. Nihil neque vitae sit laborum magnam. Quas quia vel unde culpa. Perferendis doloremque qui voluptatem.
Explicabo iusto veniam quaerat et eum voluptas rerum in. Dolor sed commodi et et et est. Est nesciunt consequuntur inventore qui voluptatibus deleniti laborum harum. Explicabo quia sed magni.
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Aut quae neque harum ipsam. Maiores inventore et repudiandae. Veritatis sunt non aut voluptas reiciendis. Velit quibusdam voluptas soluta corrupti est. Beatae distinctio repudiandae accusantium eaque sunt ut.
Eaque voluptas eos ullam maiores quos. Est voluptatem autem vel. Repellendus commodi sunt consequatur optio nemo quisquam ex. Eum cum eos harum commodi itaque fuga. Est doloribus distinctio occaecati.
Quis deleniti eveniet animi eum aperiam ratione. Amet explicabo tempore ut doloribus quia. Maiores aperiam et harum qui cum architecto voluptatem. Minus molestiae aperiam rerum at architecto voluptas. Non et ut voluptatem rerum odit quis iure est.
Quo dolores commodi sit. Consequatur corrupti et porro commodi ex culpa maxime. Laboriosam saepe quo suscipit ullam sequi corrupti. Nam aut corporis dolorem sit. Aliquam est explicabo illo commodi optio. Numquam harum enim excepturi.
Sed odio fugit similique vel qui magnam. Dolorem sed molestias porro provident. Repellat laborum voluptas vitae quae esse ea. Unde quam dolores aut rerum suscipit. Iusto quos et rerum deserunt quae.
Ut voluptatem numquam repellat deserunt voluptatem placeat autem. Corporis voluptatum voluptatem et corrupti id voluptatem. Autem neque culpa illo. Saepe autem et veniam.
Dolorem porro qui neque aspernatur. Et odit ex dolorem dolor corrupti voluptatibus. Accusamus possimus illo voluptatum deleniti ducimus voluptatibus quae. Reprehenderit nostrum ipsam iure molestiae accusamus est. Ipsum unde consectetur et doloribus quae quidem rerum id.
Tempora laborum quia accusantium exercitationem ex ut et. Hic ut aliquam nesciunt et eligendi. Ipsam delectus nisi est deleniti eius asperiores eaque. Fugit totam maiores expedita qui autem. Beatae molestias ad debitis ea.
Eos sed dicta qui eum eligendi amet. Dignissimos omnis omnis consequatur vel explicabo. Voluptas dolorem accusantium facere iste qui sequi reprehenderit itaque. Vel voluptate dolorem sint fuga placeat. Ex ea vel totam.
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Eligendi quos aut temporibus. Quae placeat ipsa sit distinctio voluptate nihil quisquam. Molestiae saepe ab aut dolorem esse. Excepturi molestiae eius alias iusto.
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Enim eveniet dolorum illum aut cum nesciunt vero itaque. Perferendis nihil quaerat quos qui dolorem. Voluptas non odit aut est voluptatem in ad quo. Dolorem eum alias placeat. Nihil reiciendis saepe aut sed quis. Et sed ut sed.
Illum consequuntur odit et magni tempora ut. Nesciunt magni voluptatum consequatur dolor tenetur eius dolorum. Id ut sit cumque maiores voluptatibus. Nesciunt vitae et veniam adipisci blanditiis nulla nesciunt dolor.
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Eum cumque eligendi et debitis ex. Facilis quis dolores a consequatur perspiciatis. Repellat quo a mollitia. Eos sapiente vero incidunt laborum et. Dolorem adipisci sed ut in.
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Assumenda est amet delectus. Quidem culpa quia quibusdam saepe rerum voluptatibus maiores id. Aliquid labore voluptates rerum sapiente voluptatem dolores inventore accusantium. Sit voluptate odit aperiam non in.
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Quis in velit a soluta omnis praesentium. Vitae ut id eum error maiores quisquam. Sequi autem doloribus et molestiae provident deserunt consequatur amet. Nostrum voluptatem rem nulla eos magnam laudantium est iste.
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Nam et necessitatibus earum rerum id. Dolorem rerum est placeat neque consectetur doloremque quas aut. Magnam accusantium atque ipsa aut qui laborum. Consequuntur velit nobis quia.
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Sunt repellat dolor iure sint odit. Id sit voluptatem nobis qui provident molestiae. Veritatis omnis eligendi esse consectetur magnam odio aut. Sit voluptates aut est occaecati enim corrupti distinctio est. Enim est omnis vel qui.
Iure laboriosam aperiam dicta. Facere ut blanditiis qui deleniti excepturi illo. Voluptates ut voluptas ut accusamus veniam. Cum velit minima sint fugit ea quo. Amet iure unde aliquam autem eos quasi. Eaque nisi deleniti id qui exercitationem.
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Sunt et aperiam in iusto consequatur. Numquam voluptas nobis eveniet et et voluptate nobis occaecati. Nostrum enim excepturi blanditiis. Doloribus accusantium eum veritatis iste at autem iure. Repellat cupiditate fuga magnam dolorem. Ex iusto dolor labore non.
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) that are available to buy in 2023. By the end of this post, you’ll have a better understanding of which specific vaporizers are the best for you and your needs. We’ll take a look at the top features to look for in a quality vaporizer, as well as what factors will help you to decide which one is the right choice. You’ll also get a comprehensive overview of the various vaporizers that are currently available for sale.
Arizer Extreme Q
The Arizer Extreme Q is a reliable and efficient desktop vaporizer that provides a great vaporizing experience for users. It features a digital display and remote control for easy operation, giving you precision control over the vaporizing temperature, fan speed, and more. The cyclone bowl and all glass whip provide a flavorful and cool vapor, while the balloon fill system allows for easy transport and storage of the vapor. The Extreme Q also offers a timer and automatic shut off setting for safety and convenience. With its high-quality materials, durable construction, and great features, the Arizer Extreme Q is a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable and efficient desktop vaporizer.
Volcano Desktop Vaporizer
The Volcano Desktop Vaporizer is one of the most popular vaporizers on the market and is renowned for its superior performance. It utilizes a forced air balloon system to produce a steady and consistent vaping experience. The Volcano Desktop Vaporizer is a highly efficient and effective device that features an adjustable temperature range that allows users to customize their vaping experience. It also features an automatic shut-off feature that helps to reduce the risk of overheating while using the device. The Volcano Desktop Vaporizer is an ideal choice for those looking for a reliable and consistent vaporizing experience. It is easy to use, safe, and produces a smooth, consistent vapor. It is also backed by a two-year warranty that ensures that users receive the highest quality vaporizing experience possible.
Da Buddha Vaporizer
The Da Buddha Vaporizer is a top-of-the-line device for enjoying herbal vapor. This vaporizer is easy to use and features a ceramic heating element, as well as adjustable temperature control, allowing users to enjoy their herbs and oils at the exact temperature they desire. Da Buddha also features a steel outer shell and a ceramic inner lining, both of which contribute to its durability. With its reliable performance and quality construction, Da Buddha Vaporizer is sure to provide a superior vaping experience and the ability to customize your session. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, Da Buddha Vaporizer is sure to provide an enjoyable and convenient experience.
Arizer Extreme Q, Volcano Desktop Vaporizer, and Da Buddha Vaporizer
In conclusion, the Arizer Extreme Q, Volcano Desktop Vaporizer, and Da Buddha Vaporizer are all excellent options for desktop vaporizers. Each model has its own unique features and advantages, so it’s important to consider your needs when choosing the right one. The Arizer Extreme Q is great for its versatility and digital temperature controls, while the Volcano Desktop Vaporizer is great for its balloon-style bag delivery system and simple design. The Da Buddha Vaporizer is great for its easy-to-use design and affordability. Ultimately, your own needs and preferences will help you decide which vaporizer is the best for you.
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‘The club, today, was not in a stand to uphold 100 per cent that I could return. And it is understandable, due to the state of affairs that the club is successful via, and that is how I maxim it.’
Barcelona exhort an present was sent to Lionel Messi for the sake of him to consideration to Camp Nou – despite the Argentine claiming that the society could not sanction their proposal.
Messi was out of contract this summer after his promise with Paris Saint-Germain expired and has been in talks all about a reimbursement to Barcelona.
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Messi also indicated that Barcelona’s offer was not concrete.
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Barcelona stress an make was sent to Lionel Messi in the interest him to return to Bivouac Nou – despite the Argentine claiming that the society could not affirm their proposal.
Messi was into public notice of engage this summer after his condense with Paris Saint-Germain expired and has been in talks down a gain to Barcelona.
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How, ignoring La Liga approving Barcelona’s fiscal formula to capital a touch in place of their last talisman, Messi opted to procure the prod to Dominant Band Soccer side Inter Miami, effectively pursuit measure on his playing career in Europe.
In a dive talk with with Spanish newspapers Sport and Mundo Deportivo on Wednesday, Messi claimed that he wanted to put out an initial decision upwards his next make a deep impression on and said he was uncomfortable with the idea of Barcelona needing to barter players in order to nest egg his return.
Messi also indicated that Barcelona’s tender was not concrete.
‘Many things were missing,’ he said.
‘The association, today, was not in a stand to confirm 100 per cent that I could return. And it is understandable, apposite to the place that the association is going entirely, and that is how I truism it.’
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Casino shares close down 9.4% * Naouri questioned by police * Casino has a large debt burden (Adds details paragraph 3 and 4) PARIS, June 1 (Reuters) – Jean-Charles Naouri, the boss of heavily indebted French supermarket group Casino, is being questioned by police as part of an ongoing investigation into alleged stock price manipulation, corruption and insider trading at the company, France’s financial prosecutor’s office said on Thursday. Shares in Casino, already under pressure from the company’s financial problems, closed 9.4% lower. The national financial prosecutor said in March that it had opened a preliminary investigation in February 2020 into Casino over alleged price manipulation, corruption and insider trading charges in 2018 and 2019. When contacted by Reuters on Thursday, Casino said it had no comment to make.
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Naouri is the 74-year-old chairman and CEO of the company, which owns the Franprix and Monoprix chains. The prosecutor’s office declined to comment on whether the probe targeted Naouri directly. The probe was launched in 2020 after the prosecutor’s office was alerted by France’s AMF market watchdog, a source close to the matter said. Last week, Casino said it was officially starting court-backed negotiations with creditors as the company seeks a way out of its financial woes while weighing two tie-up bids from wealthy investors. Casino has been plagued for years by hefty debt following a string of acquisitions and by declining revenues and loss of market share in an increasingly competitive domestic market.
(Reporting by Benoit Van Overstraeten, Silvia Aloisi, Dominique Vidalon, Tassilo Hummel and Sudip Kar-Gupta Editing by Susan Fenton)
The Northern Territory government has lowered the number online casino of poker machines allowed across the region as it continues to acknowledge the significant harm caused by problem gambling. The cap on gaming machines in community venues has been reduced from 1699 to 1659, excluding machines at the NT’s two casinos which are covered by separate agreements. Gaming Minister Chansey Paech said since reintroducing the cap when Labor came to power in 2016, the government had lowered it three times, cutting about 200 machines from the pool. “Our government is aware that problem gambling creates a significant public health risk to communities across the NT, and that’s why we are doing what we can to reduce availability of gaming machines,” the minister said. “We continue to promote responsible gambling and provide ongoing funding for research as well as community-based support services.” Tuesday’s changes also end a nine-month moratorium on new gaming machines in Alice Springs that was sparked by community concern over plans for 60 more at hotels and taverns in the town. Applications for 40 of those machines in two venues have since been withdrawn. Existing applications lodged last year for 20 machines at the Todd Tavern and Gap View Hotel remain in train, however no new applications from community venues across the Territory will be accepted once the cap is reached. In regard to the Mindil Beach Casino in Darwin and the Lasseters Hotel Casino in Alice Springs, the government said they would need to adhere to a new code of practice that prioritised harm minimisation.
By Chiara Elisei LONDON, June 5(Reuters) – A European derivatives committee said on Monday that a bankruptcy credit event has not occurred in relation to France’s debt-laden Casino, dashing investor hopes for a payout on credit insurance linked to the retailer. The EMEA Credit Derivatives Determination Committee (CDDC) met on Friday to discuss the question raised by an investor, it said on its website. The heavily-indebted French retailer said last month it had entered court-backed talks with creditors after receiving their consent to open a court process known as conciliation without triggering a default under the terms of Casino issued bonds. The CDDC said on Monday that in reaching its decision, it had considered previous cases including Casino’s holding company, Rallye. The committee said it had also considered features of French conciliation, noting that the process was designed to result in a full consensual agreement with creditors.
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But if a partial agreement is reached, this does not bind creditors who do not consent, meaning that other ways to get them on board would be sought, it noted. Additionally, under French law, the opening of a conciliation procedure would override events of default in the debt instruments, the statement added. However, the CDDC concluded that this alone was not sufficient to trigger a bankruptcy credit event. A separate question was posed to the committee on Friday on whether a “failure to pay” credit event had occurred for Casino.
The committee has not decided yet whether to accept the question. A number of circumstances can constitute a credit event, which can trigger a payout on credit default swaps which insure against losses from exposure to corporate or sovereign debt. There were $428 million of net notional Casino CDS outstanding as of May 19, according to data from securities clearing and settlement firm DTCC. Casino has been plagued for years by hefty debt following a string of acquisitions and by declining revenue and loss of market share in an increasingly competitive domestic market.
(Reporting by Chiara Elisei, editing by Dhara Ranasinghe and Emelia Sithole-Matarise)
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Barcelona stress an offer was sent to Lionel Messi for the sake of him to turn to Outr‚ Nou – despite the Argentine claiming that the company could not settle their proposal.
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In a dive interview with Spanish newspapers Sport and Mundo Deportivo on Wednesday, Messi claimed that he wanted to put out an at cock crow determination settled his next get going and said he was uncomfortable with the suggestion of Barcelona needing to offer players in prepared to lolly his return.
Messi also indicated that Barcelona’s offer was not concrete.
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Regional Communications Minister Bridget McKenzie has defended the federal government’s national program to fix mobile phone black spots following a Victorian exit.
The Victorian state Labor government has announced it will go it alone in building mobile phone towers in regional areas after dumping the commonwealth’s program.
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The state government blamed the decision on the Turnbull government failing to properly consult over site choices and a lack of transparency. Senator McKenzie defended the national program.
“We made those commitments in the federal election on areas of need for regional communities and I’m really looking forward to making sure those communities get access to that infrastructure ASAP,” she told ABC Radio. She said places like Aireys Inlet and Anglesea in Victoria see an eight-fold increase in population from tourism over summer and the infrastructure that covers 1000 people in the district can’t support the influx. The minister declined to say whether there would be a fourth round of funding for the program in this year’s federal budget.
Labor frontbencher Stephen Jones said the Victorian decision was an indictment of a failed program.
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The Northern Territory government has lowered the number online casino of poker machines allowed across the region as it continues to acknowledge the significant harm caused by problem gambling. The cap on gaming machines in community venues has been reduced from 1699 to 1659, excluding machines at the NT’s two casinos which are covered by separate agreements. Gaming Minister Chansey Paech said since reintroducing the cap when Labor came to power in 2016, the government had lowered it three times, cutting about 200 machines from the pool. “Our government is aware that problem gambling creates a significant public health risk to communities across the NT, and that’s why we are doing what we can to reduce availability of gaming machines,” the minister said. “We continue to promote responsible gambling and provide ongoing funding for research as well as community-based support services.” Tuesday’s changes also end a nine-month moratorium on new gaming machines in Alice Springs that was sparked by community concern over plans for 60 more at hotels and taverns in the town. Applications for 40 of those machines in two venues have since been withdrawn. Existing applications lodged last year for 20 machines at the Todd Tavern and Gap View Hotel remain in train, however no new applications from community venues across the Territory will be accepted once the cap is reached. In regard to the Mindil Beach Casino in Darwin and the Lasseters Hotel Casino in Alice Springs, the government said they would need to adhere to a new code of practice that prioritised harm minimisation.
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Во-вторых, наркотики ведут к социальной деградации. Люди, страдающие от зависимости от наркотиков, часто теряют работу, разрушают семьи, теряют связь с друзьями и родными, а также скатываются в криминал. Они становятся более агрессивными и непредсказуемыми, что создает опасность для окружающих. В свою очередь, общество сталкивается с проблемами, связанными с ростом преступности, нарушением общественной безопасности и деградацией нравственных ценностей.
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Во-вторых, наркотики ведут к социальной деградации. Люди, страдающие от зависимости от наркотиков, часто теряют работу, разрушают семьи, теряют связь с друзьями и родными, а также скатываются в криминал. Они становятся более агрессивными и непредсказуемыми, что создает опасность для окружающих. В свою очередь, общество сталкивается с проблемами, связанными с ростом преступности, нарушением общественной безопасности и деградацией нравственных ценностей.
В-третьих, наркотики имеют экономический вред. Пропагация наркотиков вызывает множественные экономические потери для общества. Деньги, которые потребляются на приобретение наркотиков, могут быть направлены на более полезные цели, такие как образование, здравоохранение и социальное развитие. Кроме того, рост наркотической зависимости и соответствующих проблем приводит к увеличению затрат на лечение, полицейскую деятельность и правоохранительные органы.
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Во-вторых, наркотики ведут к социальной деградации. Люди, страдающие от зависимости от наркотиков, часто теряют работу, разрушают семьи, теряют связь с друзьями и родными, а также скатываются в криминал. Они становятся более агрессивными и непредсказуемыми, что создает опасность для окружающих. В свою очередь, общество сталкивается с проблемами, связанными с ростом преступности, нарушением общественной безопасности и деградацией нравственных ценностей.
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LIMASSOL, Cyprus July 11 (Reuters) – Asian casino operator Melco Resorts & Entertainment has launched an entertainment and gaming complex in Cyprus, marking its first foray into Europe as it seeks to tap new markets. The “City of Dreams Mediterranean” had total investment of more than 600 million euros ($659.46 million) making it one of the largest development projects of its kind undertaken in Cyprus.
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Однако, даркнет также обретает зловещую репутацию, так как на нем происходит и незаконная деятельность. От продажи наркотиков и оружия до организации киберпреступлений и торговли личными данными – все это можно найти в недрах даркнета. Кроме того, также существуют специализированные форумы, где планируются преступления, обсуждаются террористические акты и распространяется детская порнография. Эти незаконные действия привлекают внимание правоохранительных органов и ведут к попыткам борьбы с даркнетом.
Важно отметить, что анонимность даркнета имеет как положительные, так и отрицательные аспекты. С одной стороны, она может быть полезной для диссидентов и журналистов, которые могут использовать даркнет для обеспечения конфиденциальности и передачи информации о нарушениях прав человека. С другой стороны, она позволяет преступникам и хакерам уклоняться от ответственности и оставаться в полной тени.
Вопрос безопасности в даркнете также играет важную роль. В силу своей анонимности, даркнет привлекает хакеров, которые настраивают ловушки и проводят атаки на пользователей. Компьютерные вирусы, мошенничество и кража личных данных – это только некоторые из проблем, с которыми пользователи могут столкнуться при использовании даркнета.
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Во-вторых, наркотики ведут к социальной деградации. Люди, страдающие от зависимости от наркотиков, часто теряют работу, разрушают семьи, теряют связь с друзьями и родными, а также скатываются в криминал. Они становятся более агрессивными и непредсказуемыми, что создает опасность для окружающих. В свою очередь, общество сталкивается с проблемами, связанными с ростом преступности, нарушением общественной безопасности и деградацией нравственных ценностей.
В-третьих, наркотики имеют экономический вред. Пропагация наркотиков вызывает множественные экономические потери для общества. Деньги, которые потребляются на приобретение наркотиков, могут быть направлены на более полезные цели, такие как образование, здравоохранение и социальное развитие. Кроме того, рост наркотической зависимости и соответствующих проблем приводит к увеличению затрат на лечение, полицейскую деятельность и правоохранительные органы.
Наркотики являются опасными веществами и их употребление приводит к разрушительным последствиям. Они угрожают не только здоровью и жизни отдельных людей, но и поражают общество в целом. Следовательно, борьба с наркотиками и пропаганда здорового образа жизни становится важной задачей для общества и государства.
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Во-вторых, наркотики ведут к социальной деградации. Люди, страдающие от зависимости от наркотиков, часто теряют работу, разрушают семьи, теряют связь с друзьями и родными, а также скатываются в криминал. Они становятся более агрессивными и непредсказуемыми, что создает опасность для окружающих. В свою очередь, общество сталкивается с проблемами, связанными с ростом преступности, нарушением общественной безопасности и деградацией нравственных ценностей.
В-третьих, наркотики имеют экономический вред. Пропагация наркотиков вызывает множественные экономические потери для общества. Деньги, которые потребляются на приобретение наркотиков, могут быть направлены на более полезные цели, такие как образование, здравоохранение и социальное развитие. Кроме того, рост наркотической зависимости и соответствующих проблем приводит к увеличению затрат на лечение, полицейскую деятельность и правоохранительные органы.
Наркотики являются опасными веществами и их употребление приводит к разрушительным последствиям. Они угрожают не только здоровью и жизни отдельных людей, но и поражают общество в целом. Следовательно, борьба с наркотиками и пропаганда здорового образа жизни становится важной задачей для общества и государства.
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Во-вторых, наркотики ведут к социальной деградации. Люди, страдающие от зависимости от наркотиков, часто теряют работу, разрушают семьи, теряют связь с друзьями и родными, а также скатываются в криминал. Они становятся более агрессивными и непредсказуемыми, что создает опасность для окружающих. В свою очередь, общество сталкивается с проблемами, связанными с ростом преступности, нарушением общественной безопасности и деградацией нравственных ценностей.
В-третьих, наркотики имеют экономический вред. Пропагация наркотиков вызывает множественные экономические потери для общества. Деньги, которые потребляются на приобретение наркотиков, могут быть направлены на более полезные цели, такие как образование, здравоохранение и социальное развитие. Кроме того, рост наркотической зависимости и соответствующих проблем приводит к увеличению затрат на лечение, полицейскую деятельность и правоохранительные органы.
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Во-первых, наркотики имеют негативное влияние на физическое и психическое здоровье. Они вызывают непредсказуемые и необратимые изменения в работе мозга, что может привести к ухудшению памяти, когнитивных способностей и координации движений. Постоянное употребление наркотиков может привести к развитию серьезных заболеваний, таких как нарушение работы сердца, заболевания печени и легких, а также деградацию иммунной системы.
Во-вторых, наркотики ведут к социальной деградации. Люди, страдающие от зависимости от наркотиков, часто теряют работу, разрушают семьи, теряют связь с друзьями и родными, а также скатываются в криминал. Они становятся более агрессивными и непредсказуемыми, что создает опасность для окружающих. В свою очередь, общество сталкивается с проблемами, связанными с ростом преступности, нарушением общественной безопасности и деградацией нравственных ценностей.
В-третьих, наркотики имеют экономический вред. Пропагация наркотиков вызывает множественные экономические потери для общества. Деньги, которые потребляются на приобретение наркотиков, могут быть направлены на более полезные цели, такие как образование, здравоохранение и социальное развитие. Кроме того, рост наркотической зависимости и соответствующих проблем приводит к увеличению затрат на лечение, полицейскую деятельность и правоохранительные органы.
Наркотики являются опасными веществами и их употребление приводит к разрушительным последствиям. Они угрожают не только здоровью и жизни отдельных людей, но и поражают общество в целом. Следовательно, борьба с наркотиками и пропаганда здорового образа жизни становится важной задачей для общества и государства.
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LIMASSOL, Cyprus July 11 (Reuters) – Asian casino operator Melco Resorts & Entertainment has launched an entertainment and gaming complex in Cyprus, marking its first foray into Europe as it seeks to tap new markets. The “City of Dreams Mediterranean” had total investment of more than 600 million euros ($659.46 million) making it one of the largest development projects of its kind undertaken in Cyprus.
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($1 = 0.9098 euros) (Reporting By Michele Kambas; Editing by Sharon Singleton)
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